Revista CD Expert 8
Revista CD Expert nº 08 CD1.iso
MS-DOS Interrupt List
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Text File
1,672 lines
/* EEL code file for editing the Interrupt List */
/* */
/* Written by Ralf Brown */
/* LastEdit: 30 Aug 98 */
/* */
/* This EEL file adds the following keybindings: */
/* Shf-Alt-A add an Access: section to the current entry */
/* Shf-Alt-B add another BUG: to the current entry */
/* Shf-Alt-D add a Desc: section to the current entry */
/* Sft-Alt-I add an InstallCheck: section to current entry */
/* Shf-Alt-R add a Range: section to the current entry */
/* Shf-Alt-S add a Size: section to the current entry */
/* Alt-I add an Index: section to the current entry; */
/* add another Index: line if already on Index: */
/* Alt-N add a new note to current entry or data struct */
/* Alt-P add a Program: section to the current entry */
/* Alt-R insert Return: at start of line */
/* Alt-S insert SeeAlso: at start of line; add another */
/* SeeAlso: line if already on SeeAlso: */
/* F11 insert a blank separator line */
/* ^F11 create Format of: header */
/* Shf-F11 create Values for: header */
/* Alt-F11 create Call with: header */
/* Alt-F12 create Bitfield for: header */
/* F12 add the interrupt number to the separator line */
/* preceding the current entry */
/* ^F12 jump to a specified entry */
/* */
/* It adds the following unbound commands: */
/* renumber-tables */
/* make-distribution */
/* filter-region */
/* run region through a specified command; by */
/* default, the program is given the region on its */
/* stdin and its stdout is used to replace the */
/* region; if one or two "%s" are given, they */
/* will be replaced by the input and output (resp) */
/* file the program should use. */
/* */
/* Other: */
/* adds intlist-mode for .LST and .1ST files */
/* switches current buffer into intlist-mode on loading */
/* maintains a table counter which is inserted each time */
/* a table is created in the text */
/* performs syntax highlighting (Epsilon v7+) */
#include "eel.h"
#if EELVERSION >= 70
#include "colcode.h"
#endif /* Epsilon v7.0+ */
keytable intlist_tab ; /* key table for IntList mode */
/* on repeated F12, how often to display number of entries processed */
/* for fast 386, every 100; for a Pentium, at least 300 or the message */
/* line will lag way behind the actual progress */
/* Global Variables */
/* table headings */
char str_format_of[] = "Format of " ;
char str_bitfields_for[] = "Bitfields for " ;
/* section names within an entry */
char size_section[] = "Size:\t" ;
char access_section[] = "Access:\t" ;
char return_section[] = "Return: " ;
char program_section[] = "Program: " ;
char desc_section[] = "Desc:\t" ;
char install_section[] = "InstallCheck:" ;
char range_section[] = "Range:\t" ;
char notes_section[] = "Notes*:\t" ;
char bugs_section[] = "BUGS*:\t" ;
char example_section[] = "Example: " ;
char seealso_section[] = "SeeAlso: " ;
char index_section[] = "Index:\t" ;
#if EELVERSION >= 70
char all_sections[] = "Return:|SeeAlso:|Program:|Desc:|Range:|Notes*:|BUGS*:|Example:|Index:|Access:|InstallCheck:|Size:" ;
char indented_sections[] = "[\t ]*(Return|Notes*):" ;
char table_headers[] = "INT |Format |Values |Bitfields |MEM |CMOS |MSR |CALL |PORT |Call |OPCODE |I2C " ;
#endif /* Epsilon v7.0+ */
/*char table_ID_letters[] = "0123456789CFIMPRS" ;*/
char table_ID_letters[] = "09CFIMPRS" ;
char *(section_order[13]) ;
char *(list_files[13]) ;
#if EELVERSION >= 90
// Lugaru renamed the variable on us!
#define strip_returns translation_type
#endif /* EELVERSION >= 90 */
/* list the sections of an entry in the order they should appear (if */
/* present at all) */
section_order[0] = size_section ;
section_order[1] = access_section ;
section_order[2] = return_section ;
section_order[3] = program_section ;
section_order[4] = desc_section ;
section_order[5] = install_section ;
section_order[6] = range_section ;
section_order[7] = notes_section ;
section_order[8] = bugs_section ;
section_order[9] = example_section ;
section_order[10] = seealso_section ;
section_order[11] = index_section ;
section_order[12] = NULL ;
/* list the files comprising the full interrupt list */
list_files[0] = "cmos.lst" ;
list_files[1] = "farcall.lst" ;
list_files[2] = "memory.lst" ;
list_files[3] = "ports.lst" ;
list_files[4] = "interrup.lst" ;
list_files[5] = "tables.lst" ;
list_files[6] = "msr.lst" ;
list_files[7] = "biblio.lst" ;
list_files[8] = "glossary.lst" ;
list_files[9] = "opcodes.lst" ;
list_files[10] = "smm.lst" ;
list_files[11] = "i2c.lst" ;
list_files[12] = NULL ;
/* Buffer-specific variables */
buffer spot table_counter ;
int empty_line()
return (character(point-1) == '\n' && character(point) == '\n') ;
int is_separator_line()
return (empty_line() || parse_string(1,"--------",NULL)) ;
/* search in the specified direction (1 = forward, -1 = back) */
/* for the next entry separator line */
int to_separator_line(dir)
int dir ;
nl_reverse() ;
return search(dir,"\n--------") ;
/* move to the location where the specified section of an */
/* entry begins (if present) or should begin (if not) */
int to_section_start(section)
char *section ;
int i, j, len ;
for (i = 0 ; section_order[i] ; i++)
if (strcmp(section,section_order[i]) == 0)
break ;
if (section_order[i])
while (!is_separator_line())
for (j = i ; section_order[j] ; j++)
if (parse_string(1,section_order[j],NULL))
if ((len = parse_string(1,section,NULL)) != 0)
point += len ;
return 1 ; /* section already exists */
return 0 ; /* section nonexistent, but found position */
if (!nl_forward())
break ;
return 0 ; /* section does not yet exist */
return 0 ; /* section not found */
int make_section(section,start_entry,name)
char *section, *name ;
int start_entry ;
int start = point ;
if (start_entry)
if (!to_separator_line(-1)) /* find previous separator line */
point = start ;
say("Not in an interrupt entry") ;
return 0 ;
to_begin_line() ;
while (!empty_line() && !parse_string(1,"\n--------",NULL))
if (!nl_reverse())
break ;
point++ ; /* skip the newline */
nl_forward() ; /* advance to first line of entry */
if (!to_section_start(section))
if (name)
stuff(name) ;
stuff(section) ;
stuff("\n") ;
point-- ; /* back up over inserted newline */
return 1 ;
return 0 ;
return 2 ; /* just in case */
int pluralize_section(plural)
char plural ;
point -= 3 ;
if (curchar() != plural) /* already plural ? */
point++ ;
insert(plural) ;
nl_forward() ;
while (!is_separator_line() && parse_string(1,"[ \t]",NULL))
nl_forward() ;
stuff("\t\n") ;
point-- ;
/* Add "SeeAlso: " to the beginning of the current line unless */
/* it is already present; in that case, insert a fresh line */
/* containing just a SeeAlso: and position the cursor at the */
/* end of the new line */
command see_also() on intlist_tab[ALT('s')]
to_begin_line() ;
if (parse_string(1,"SeeAlso: ",NULL) == 0)
stuff("SeeAlso: ") ;
nl_forward() ;
stuff("SeeAlso: \n") ;
point-- ;
/* Add a Desc: section if the current entry does not already */
/* have one; if there is already a Desc: section, move to the */
/* start of it */
command access() on intlist_tab[ALT('A')]
make_section(access_section,1,NULL) ;
/* Add a Desc: section if the current entry does not already */
/* have one; if there is already a Desc: section, move to the */
/* start of it */
command desc() on intlist_tab[ALT('D')]
make_section(desc_section,1,NULL) ;
/* Add a InstallCheck: section if the current entry does not */
/* already have one; if there is already a InstallCheck: */
/* section, move to the start of it */
command instcheck() on intlist_tab[ALT('I')]
make_section(install_section,1,NULL) ;
/* Add a Range: section if the current entry does not already */
/* have one; if there is already a Range: section, move to the */
/* start of it */
command range() on intlist_tab[ALT('R')]
make_section(range_section,1,NULL) ;
/* Add a Size: section if the current entry does not already */
/* have one; if there is already a Size: section, move to the */
/* start of it */
command memsize() on intlist_tab[ALT('S')]
make_section(size_section,1,NULL) ;
/* Add a "Program: " section to the current entry if it does */
/* not have one; otherwise, move to the beginning of the */
/* Program: section */
command program() on intlist_tab[ALT('p')]
make_section(program_section,1,NULL) ;
/* Add an "Index: " section to the current entry if it does */
/* not have one; otherwise, move to the beginning of the */
/* Index: section */
command add_index() on intlist_tab[ALT('i')]
to_begin_line() ;
if (parse_string(1,"Index:",NULL))
while (parse_string(1,"Index:",NULL))
nl_forward() ;
stuff("Index:\t\n") ;
point-- ;
make_section(index_section,1,NULL) ;
command bug() on intlist_tab[ALT('B')]
if (!make_section(bugs_section,1,"BUG:\t"))
pluralize_section('S') ;
/* Add "Note: " section to the current entry; change an */
/* existing Note: to Notes: and position at end of Note: */
/* section. */
command add_note() on intlist_tab[ALT('n')]
if (!make_section(notes_section,0,"Note:\t"))
pluralize_section('s') ;
/* Insert "Return: " at the beginning of the current line, if */
/* not already present */
command returns() on intlist_tab[ALT('r')]
int start = point ;
to_begin_line() ;
if (parse_string(1,return_section,NULL) == 0)
stuff(return_section) ;
point = start ;
/* insert a line of dashes prior to the current cursor line */
command separator_line() on intlist_tab[FKEY(11)]
int i ;
to_begin_line() ;
for (i = 0 ; i < 45 ; i++)
insert('-') ;
insert('\n') ;
void insert_table_counter()
char counter[6] ;
save_var point = *table_counter + 4 ;
/* increment that table counter */
while (curchar() >= '0')
if (curchar() < '9')
replace(point,curchar()+1) ;
break ;
replace(point,'0') ;
point-- ;
restore_vars() ;
/* and now insert the incremented value at point */
stuff("(Table ") ;
grab(*table_counter,*table_counter+5,counter) ;
stuff(counter) ;
stuff(")") ;
/* type the name of a structure, then invoke this function */
/* to create the "Format of X:" and "Offset Size Descr" lines */
command structure_header() on intlist_tab[FCTRL(11)]
int start = point ;
to_begin_line() ;
if (parse_string(1,str_format_of,NULL) == 0)
stuff(str_format_of) ;
to_end_line() ;
stuff(":\nOffset\tSize\tDescription\t") ;
insert_table_counter() ;
stuff("\n 00h\t") ;
point = start ;
/* Turn the current line into the header for a "Values of" */
/* section */
command value_header() on intlist_tab[FSHIFT(11)]
int start = point ;
to_begin_line() ;
if (parse_string(1,"Values for ",NULL) == 0)
insert_table_counter() ;
stuff("\nValues for ") ;
to_end_line() ;
stuff(":\n ") ;
point = start ;
/* Turn the current line into the header of a "Call with" */
/* section */
command call_with_header() on intlist_tab[FALT(11)]
int start = point ;
to_begin_line() ;
if (parse_string(1,"Call ",NULL) == 0)
insert_table_counter() ;
stuff("\nCall ") ;
to_end_line() ;
if (character(point-1) != ' ')
stuff(" ") ;
stuff("with:\n") ;
point = start ;
/* Turn the current line into the header of a "Bitfield for" */
/* section */
command bitfields_for_header() on intlist_tab[FALT(12)]
int start = point ;
to_begin_line() ;
if (parse_string(1,str_bitfields_for,NULL) == 0)
stuff(str_bitfields_for) ;
to_end_line() ;
stuff(":\nBit(s)\tDescription\t") ;
insert_table_counter() ;
stuff("\n ") ;
point = start ;
char grab_int_entry_number(func_num)
char *func_num ;
int i ;
char c ;
point += 4 ; /* skip the "INT " */
func_num[0] = curchar() ; /* grab the interrupt number */
point++ ;
func_num[1] = curchar() ;
nl_forward() ; /* skip to second line of entry */
if (parse_string(1,"[ \t]*A[LHX][ \t]=[ \t][0-9A-F][0-9A-F]+h",NULL))
re_search(1,"[ \t]*A") ;
c = curchar() ;
point += 4 ; /* skip ch and " = " */
if (c != 'L')
grab(point,point+((c=='X')?4:2),func_num+2) ;
point += ((c=='X')?4:2) ;
func_num[(c=='H')?4:6] = '-' ; /* grab() stuck a NUL into the string */
else /* c == 'L' */
func_num[4] = curchar() ;
point++ ;
func_num[5] = curchar() ;
point ++ ;
point++ ;
if (parse_string(1,"[ \t]*subfn [0-9A-F][0-9A-F]+h",NULL))
re_search(1,"[ \t]*subfn ") ;
func_num[6] = 'S' ;
func_num[7] = 'F' ;
for (i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++)
c = curchar() ;
if ((c >= '0' && c <= '9') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F'))
func_num[8+i] = c ;
point++ ;
break ;
nl_forward() ; /* skip to third line of entry */
if (parse_string(1,"[ \t]*([BCDES][HILPSX]|VxD) = [0-9A-F][0-9A-F]+h",NULL))
re_search(1,"[ \t]*") ;
func_num[6] = curchar() ;
point++ ;
func_num[7] = c = curchar() ;
point += 4 ; /* skip curchar and " = " */
if (func_num[6] == 'V') /* VxD has three letters not two... */
point++ ;
if (c == 'H' || c == 'L')
grab(point,point+2,func_num+8) ;
func_num[10] = '-' ; /* grab() stuck a NUL into the string */
else /* c == 'X' || c == 'I' || c == 'P' || c == 'S' */
grab(point,point+4,func_num+8) ;
func_num[12] = '-' ;
return 1 ; /* successful and have func number */
char grab_cmos_entry_number(func_num)
char *func_num ;
point += 5 ; /* skip the "CMOS " */
func_num[0] = 'R' ; /* mark this as a CMOS RAM entry */
grab(point,point+4,func_num+1) ;
if (func_num[3] == 'h' && func_num[4] == '-')
grab(point+4,point+6,func_num+3) ;
func_num[3] = '-' ;
func_num[4] = '-' ;
func_num[5] = '-' ; /* grab() stuck a NUL into string */
return 1 ;
char grab_farcall_entry_number(func_num)
char *func_num ;
point += 5 ; /* skip the "CALL " */
func_num[0] = '@' ; /* mark this as a far call entry */
grab(point,point+4,func_num+1) ; /* get segment of address */
grab(point+6,point+10,func_num+5) ; /* get offset of address */
func_num[9] = '-' ; /* grab() stuck a NUL into string */
return 1 ;
char grab_msr_entry_number(func_num)
char *func_num ;
point += 4 ; /* skip the "MSR " */
func_num[0] = 'S' ; /* mark this as an MSR entry */
grab(point,point+8,func_num+1) ; /* get the MSR number */
func_num[9] = '-' ; /* grab() stuck a NUL into string */
return 1 ;
char grab_memory_entry_number(func_num)
char *func_num ;
point += 4 ; /* skip the "MEM " */
func_num[0] = 'M' ; /* mark this as a memory loc entry */
grab(point,point+6,func_num+1) ; /* get segment or high word of addr */
if (func_num[5] == 'h' && func_num[6] == ':') /* segmented address? */
grab(point+6,point+10,func_num+5) ; /* get offset of address */
grab(point+6,point+8,func_num+7) ;/* get low word of the address */
func_num[0] = 'm' ; /* indicate linear address */
func_num[9] = '-' ; /* grab() stuck a NUL into string */
return 1 ;
char grab_opcode_name(func_num)
char *func_num ;
int i ;
point += 7 ; /* skip the "OPCODE " */
func_num[0] = 'O' ; /* mark this as an opcode entry */
for (i = 2 ; i < 12 ; i++) /* grab the opcode name and stuff */
{ /* it into the header line */
char c = curchar() ;
if (c == ' ' || c == '\t')
break ;
func_num[i] = c ;
point++ ;
return 1 ;
char grab_port_entry_number(func_num)
char *func_num ;
point += 5 ; /* skip the "PORT " */
func_num[0] = 'P' ; /* mark this as an I/O port entry */
grab(point,point+4,func_num+1) ; /* get starting port number */
func_num[5] = '-' ; /* grab() stuck a NUL into string */
if (character(point+4) == '-')
grab(point+5,point+9,func_num+5) ; /* get ending port number */
func_num[9] = '-' ; /* grab() stuck a NUL into string */
return 1 ;
char grab_i2c_entry_number(func_num)
char *func_num ;
point += 4 ; /* skip the "I2C " */
func_num[0] = 'I' ; /* mark this as an I2C port entry */
grab(point,point+2,func_num+1) ; /* get slave address */
func_num[3] = '-' ; /* grab() stuck a NUL into string */
if (character(point+3) == '/')
grab(point+4,point+6,func_num+3) ; /* get register address */
func_num[5] = '-' ; /* grab() stuck a NUL into string */
if (character(point+6) != 'h' && character(point+6) != '/')
grab(point+6,point+8,func_num+5) ; /* get second byte of reg. addr */
func_num[7] = '-' ; /* grab() stuck a NUL into string */
point += 2 ;
if (character(point+7) == '/')
func_num[7] = 'S' ;
func_num[8] = 'F' ;
grab(point+8,point+10,func_num+9) ;
func_num[11] = '-' ;
if (character(point+10) != 'h')
grab(point+10,point+12,func_num+11) ;
return 1 ;
char grab_entry_number(func_num)
char *func_num ;
strcpy(func_num,"-------------") ; /* 13 dashes */
point++ ; /* go to first char of separator line */
nl_forward() ; /* go to first line of entry */
if (parse_string(1,"INT ",NULL)) /* is it an interrupt entry? */
return grab_int_entry_number(func_num) ;
else if (parse_string(1,"CMOS ",NULL) != 0)
return grab_cmos_entry_number(func_num) ;
else if (parse_string(1,"CALL ",NULL) != 0)
return grab_farcall_entry_number(func_num) ;
else if (parse_string(1,"MEM ",NULL) != 0)
return grab_memory_entry_number(func_num) ;
else if (parse_string(1,"PORT ",NULL) != 0)
return grab_port_entry_number(func_num) ;
else if (parse_string(1,"MSR ",NULL) != 0)
return grab_msr_entry_number(func_num) ;
else if (parse_string(1,"OPCODE ",NULL) != 0)
return grab_opcode_name(func_num) ;
else if (parse_string(1,"I2C ",NULL) != 0)
return grab_i2c_entry_number(func_num) ;
return 0 ;
/* Put the interrupt and function number into the separator */
/* line just above the intlist entry preceding the cursor pos */
int number_one_int()
char func_num[14] ; /* 2->int, 4->AX, 6->extra reg, NUL */
int oldpoint ;
while (to_separator_line(-1)) /* find previous separator line */
oldpoint = point ;
if (grab_entry_number(func_num)) /* does it belong to an intlist entry? */
{ /* if yes, success, else try again */
point = oldpoint + 11 ; /* skip NL and first ten dashes */
delete(point,point+13) ; /* replace 13 dashes by the function */
stuff(func_num) ; /* number and extra register */
point = oldpoint + 9 ; /* back to category letter position */
return 1 ;
point = oldpoint ;
return 0 ; /* if we get here, we failed */
/* Put the interrupt and function number into the separator */
/* line just above one or more intlist entries preceding the */
/* current cursor position, letting user know of progress */
command number_int() on intlist_tab[FKEY(12)]
int i, hit_top = 0 ;
for (i = 0 ; i < iter ; i++)
if (!number_one_int())
hit_top = 1 ;
say("No prior entry.") ;
break ;
say("%4d...",i+1) ;
if (iter > 1 && !hit_top)
say("Done.") ;
iter = 1 ;
int line_has_see_also()
int len ;
to_begin_line() ;
if ((len = parse_string(1,".*%([sS]ee ",NULL)) != 0)
point += len ; /* go to start of cross-reference */
point += parse_string(1,"also ",NULL) ;
if (parse_string(1,"INT [0-9A-F]",NULL) ||
parse_string(1,"A[XHL] =",NULL)
point++ ; /* move into reference */
return 1 ;
return 0 ;
int grab_int_reference(ref)
char *ref ;
int begin, start = point ;
re_search(-1,"[, \t\n]") ; /* backup to start of reference */
if (curchar() == '\n') /* start of line? */
re_search(1,":[ \t]") ; /* skip the SeeAlso: */
else if (character(point-1) == 'T' && character(point-2) == 'N')
point -= 3 ;
point++ ; /* back to start of reference */
begin = point ;
re_search(1,"[,\n\"]") ; /* find end of INT-spec */
point-- ;
if (curchar() == '\"') /* extra string at end of INT-spec? */
point++ ;
re_search(1,"[\"\n]") ; /* if yes, run to end of line or string */
grab(begin,point,ref) ;
point = start ;
return 0 ;
int parse_int_name(entry_name,id,extra_string)
char *entry_name, *id, *extra_string ;
int start = point ;
int i ;
char c, *last ;
for (i = strlen(entry_name)-1 ; i >= 0 ; i--)
entry_name[i] = toupper(entry_name[i]) ;
strcpy(id,"------------") ;
if (strncmp(entry_name,"INT ",4) == 0)
id[0] = entry_name[4] ;
id[1] = entry_name[5] ;
entry_name += 6 ;
if (entry_name[0] == '/')
entry_name++ ;
else if (to_separator_line(-1))
id[0] = character(point+11) ;
id[1] = character(point+12) ;
point = start ;
c = entry_name[1] ;
if (entry_name[0] == 'A' && (c == 'X' || c == 'H' || c == 'L'))
entry_name += 2 ;
while (entry_name[0] == ' ' || entry_name[0] == '\t')
entry_name++ ;
if (entry_name[0] == '=')
entry_name++ ;
while (entry_name[0] == ' ' || entry_name[0] == '\t')
entry_name++ ;
if (c != 'L')
id[2] = entry_name[0] ;
id[3] = entry_name[1] ;
if (c == 'X')
id[4] = entry_name[2] ;
id[5] = entry_name[3] ;
entry_name += 4 ;
if (c == 'L')
id[2] = entry_name[0] ;
id[3] = entry_name[1] ;
entry_name += 2 ;
if (entry_name[0] == 'H')
entry_name++ ;
if (entry_name[0] == '/')
entry_name++ ;
if (index("ABCDES",entry_name[0]) && index("HILPSXF",entry_name[1]))
id[6] = entry_name[0] ;
c = id[7] = entry_name[1] ;
entry_name += 2 ;
while (entry_name[0] == ' ' || entry_name[0] == '\t')
entry_name++ ;
if (entry_name[0] == '=')
entry_name++ ;
while (entry_name[0] == ' ' || entry_name[0] == '\t')
entry_name++ ;
id[8] = entry_name[0] ;
id[9] = entry_name[1] ;
if (c != 'H' && c != 'L' && (c != 'F' || entry_name[2] != 'h'))
id[10] = entry_name[2] ;
id[11] = entry_name[3] ;
entry_name += 4 ;
entry_name += 2 ;
if (entry_name[0] == 'H')
entry_name++ ;
if (entry_name[0] == '/')
entry_name++ ;
if (entry_name[0] == '\"')
entry_name++ ;
strcpy(extra_string,entry_name) ;
last = index(extra_string,'\"') ;
if (last)
*last = '\0' ;
extra_string[0] = '\0' ;
return 0 ;
int hex2_to_int(c1,c2)
char c1, c2 ;
if (c1 >= '0' && c1 <= '9')
c1 -= '0' ;
else if (c1 >= 'A' && c1 <= 'F')
c1 = c1 - 'A' + 10 ;
else if (c1 >= 'a' && c1 <= 'f')
c1 = c1 - 'a' + 10 ;
return -1 ;
if (c2 >= '0' && c2 <= '9')
c2 -= '0' ;
else if (c2 >= 'A' && c2 <= 'F')
c2 = c2 - 'A' + 10 ;
else if (c2 >= 'a' && c2 <= 'f')
c2 = c2 - 'a' + 10 ;
return -1 ;
return 16*c1 + c2 ;
char hex_digit(val)
int val ;
if (val < 0)
return '-' ;
return (val > 9) ? ('A' + val - 10) : ('0' + val) ;
int scan_for_entry(entry,extra_str,first_entry)
char *entry, *extra_str ;
int *first_entry ;
int bestcount = 0 ;
int bestmatch = -1 ;
if (extra_str) extra_str = 0 ; /* for now, to avoid compiler warning */
*first_entry = 0 ;
/* scan for the first entry for the desired interrupt number */
while (to_separator_line(1))
point += 2 ;
if (character(point) == entry[0] && character(point+1) == entry[1])
break ;
nl_forward() ;
/* now scan through the entries for the given interrupt number */
while (to_separator_line(1))
int i ;
char buf[14] ;
point += 2 ;
grab(point,point+12,buf) ;
if ((buf[0] != entry[0] || buf[1] != entry[1]) &&
(buf[0] != '-' && buf[1] != '-'))
break ; /* ran out of entries... */
for (i = 2 ; i <= 12 ; i++)
if (buf[i] != entry[i])
break ;
if (i > bestcount)
bestcount = i ;
bestmatch = point ;
if (i > 12)
break ; /* found an exact match */
nl_forward() ;
if (bestmatch == -1)
return 0 ; /* we failed */
*first_entry = bestmatch ;
point = bestmatch ; /* back to best-matching entry */
nl_forward() ;
return 1 ; /* we were successful */
int goto_entry(entry_name)
char *entry_name ;
char int_id[13], extra_string[60] ;
int start = point, first_entry ;
int int_num, curr_int ;
char search_str[22] ;
parse_int_name(entry_name,int_id,extra_string) ;
int_num = hex2_to_int(int_id[0],int_id[1]) ;
if (to_separator_line(-1))
if (character(point+11) == '-')
curr_int = -1 ;
curr_int = hex2_to_int(character(point+11),character(point+12)) ;
if (int_num <= 0)
point = 0 ; /* go to top of file */
if (curr_int <= 0)
point = 0 ; /* go to top of file */
strcpy(search_str,"--------.-") ;
search_str[10] = hex_digit((int_num-1) / 16) ;
search_str[11] = hex_digit((int_num-1) % 16) ;
search_str[12] = '\0' ;
if (!re_search( (int_num<=curr_int)?-1:1, search_str))
say("%s not found.",entry_name) ;
iter = 1 ;
return 0 ;
to_begin_line() ;
point = 0 ;
if (!scan_for_entry(int_id,extra_string,&first_entry))
say("%s not found.",entry_name) ;
if (first_entry)
mark = start ;
point = first_entry ;
point = start ;
if (has_arg)
iter = 1 ; /* don't search repeatedly */
return 0 ;
command goto_int() on intlist_tab[FCTRL(12)]
char entry_name[60], def_entry[60] ;
int start = point ;
to_begin_line() ;
if (parse_string(1,"SeeAlso: ",NULL) != 0)
point += 9 ; /* skip the SeeAlso: */
if (point < start) /* if we were originally to the right of */
point = start ; /* current position, go back to original pos */
grab_int_reference(def_entry) ;
get_strdef(entry_name,"Goto Interrupt",def_entry) ;
else if (line_has_see_also())
grab_int_reference(def_entry) ;
get_strdef(entry_name,"Goto Interrupt",def_entry) ;
get_string(entry_name,"Goto Interrupt: ") ;
point = start ;
goto_entry(entry_name) ;
if (has_arg)
iter = 1 ;
void maybe_append_table_number()
if (parse_string(1,".*\t%(Table ",0) == 0)
int matchsize ;
/* if the pattern didn't match, there is no table number, */
/* so add it */
to_end_line() ;
matchsize = parse_string(-1,"[ \t]+",0) ;
if (matchsize)
delete(point-matchsize,point) ;
stuff("\t") ;
insert_table_counter() ;
void fix_unnumbered_tables()
spot start = alloc_spot(1) ;
*start = point ;
point = 0 ;
while (search(1,"\n\n"))
case 'C':
if (parse_string(1,"Call ") != 0)
/* we got Call..., we know it doesn't have a table number */
insert_table_counter() ;
stuff("\n") ;
break ;
case 'V':
if (parse_string(1,"Values ") != 0)
/* we know this Values... doesn't have a table number */
insert_table_counter() ;
stuff("\n") ;
break ;
case 'B':
if (parse_string(1,"Bitfields ",0) == 0)
break ;
nl_forward() ; /* skip to start of next line */
maybe_append_table_number() ;
break ;
case 'F':
if (parse_string(1,"Format ",0) == 0)
break ;
nl_forward() ; /* skip to start of next line */
maybe_append_table_number() ;
break ;
/* not a table header, so ignore it */
break ;
point = *start ;
free_spot(start) ;
int *gather_table_numbers(new_numbers)
int *new_numbers ;
int tcount[9] ;
char counter[6] ;
int old_number ;
int table_type ;
spot start = alloc_spot(1) ;
save_var case_fold = 0 ;
tcount[0] = tcount[1] = tcount[2] = tcount[3] = tcount[4] = tcount[5] = 0 ;
tcount[6] = tcount[7] = tcount[8] = 0 ;
*start = point ;
point = 0 ;
while (search(1,"(Table "))
char *tbl ;
int table_offset ;
grab(point,point+5,counter) ;
tbl = index(table_ID_letters,counter[0]) ;
if (tbl)
table_offset = (tbl-table_ID_letters) ;
table_offset = 0 ;
old_number = strtoi(counter+1,10) + 10000*table_offset ;
table_type = (table_offset >= ID_LETTER_OFFSET)
? (table_offset-ID_LETTER_OFFSET+1)
: 0 ;
new_numbers[old_number] = ++(tcount[table_type]) ;
point = *start ;
free_spot(start) ;
return new_numbers ;
int adjust_table_numbers(new_numbers, dangling)
int *new_numbers ;
int dangling ;
char counter[6] ;
int old_number ;
int old_type ;
char *tbl ;
int table_offset ;
spot start = alloc_spot(1) ;
*start = point ;
point = 0 ;
while (search(1,"(Table "))
grab(point,point+5,counter) ;
tbl = index(table_ID_letters,counter[0]) ;
if (tbl)
table_offset = 10000*(tbl-table_ID_letters) ;
table_offset = 0 ;
old_number = strtoi(counter+1,10) + table_offset ;
old_type = (counter[0] >= '0' && counter[0] <= '9') ? 0 : counter[0] ;
if (old_number > 0)
delete(point,point+5) ;
if (old_type)
bprintf("%c%04d",old_type,new_numbers[old_number]%10000) ;
bprintf("%05d",new_numbers[old_number]) ;
point = 0 ;
while (re_search(1,"[, \t]%#[0-9CFIMPRS][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]"))
grab(point-5,point,counter) ;
tbl = index(table_ID_letters,counter[0]) ;
if (tbl)
table_offset = 10000*(tbl-table_ID_letters) ;
table_offset = 0 ;
old_number = strtoi(counter+1,10) + table_offset ;
old_type = (counter[0] >= '0' && counter[0] <= '9') ? 0 : counter[0] ;
if (old_number > 0)
if (new_numbers[old_number])
delete(point-5,point) ;
if (old_type)
bprintf("%c%04d",old_type,new_numbers[old_number]) ;
bprintf("%05d",new_numbers[old_number]) ;
else /* dangling xref */
dangling++ ;
point -= 5 ;
stuff("?") ;
point += 5 ;
point = *start ;
free_spot(start) ;
return dangling ;
int get_list_file(list_file)
char *list_file ;
char abs_filename[FNAMELEN] ;
strcpy(abs_filename,list_file) ;
absolute(abs_filename) ;
return find_it(abs_filename,1) ;
command renumber_tables()
int *new_numbers ;
int num_tables ;
int dangling ;
int i ;
for (i = 0 ; list_files[i] ; i++)
if (get_list_file(list_files[i]) == 0)
say("Renumber Pass 1: numbering unnumbered tables (%s)",
list_files[i]) ;
fix_unnumbered_tables() ;
say("Renumber Pass 1: forced to skip %s") ;
num_tables = 10000*strlen(table_ID_letters) ;
new_numbers = (int*)malloc(num_tables*sizeof(int)) ;
if (!new_numbers)
say("Out of memory!") ;
return ;
for (i = 0 ; i < num_tables ; i++)
new_numbers[i] = 0 ;
for (i = 0 ; list_files[i] ; i++)
if (get_list_file(list_files[i]) == 0)
say("Renumber Pass 2: gathering table numbers (%s)",
list_files[i]) ;
gather_table_numbers(new_numbers) ;
say("Renumber Pass 2: forced to skip %s") ;
dangling = 0 ;
for (i = 0 ; list_files[i] ; i++)
if (get_list_file(list_files[i]) == 0)
say("Renumber Pass 3: adjusting table numbers (%s)",
list_files[i]) ;
dangling = adjust_table_numbers(new_numbers,dangling) ;
say("Renumber Pass 3: forced to skip %s") ;
free(new_numbers) ;
if (dangling)
say("%d dangling cross-references, search for '#?'",dangling) ;
say("Done") ;
command make_distribution()
int i ;
for (i = 0 ; list_files[i] ; i++)
/* switch to proper buffer, or load if not yet in a buffer */
if (get_list_file(list_files[i]) == 0)
say("Setting divider lines (%s)",list_files[i]) ;
point = size() ;
while (point > 0)
if (!number_one_int())
break ;
say("Forced to skip %s !",list_files[i]) ;
for (i = 0 ; list_files[i] ; i++)
/* switch to proper buffer, or load if not yet in a buffer */
if (get_list_file(list_files[i]) == 0)
say("Tabifying file (%s)",list_files[i]) ;
mark = 0 ;
point = size() ;
tabify_region() ;
renumber_tables() ;
save_all_buffers() ;
say("Ready for distribution") ;
point = 0 ;
/* !!! should also split main list automatically */
void find_table_counter()
save_var point = (size() > 8000) ? size() - 8000 : 0 ;
search(1,"Highest Table Number = ") ;
table_counter = alloc_spot(1) ;
char filter_cmd[128] = "" ;
command filter_region()
char new_filter_cmd[128] ;
get_strdef(new_filter_cmd,"Filter region through",filter_cmd) ;
strcpy(filter_cmd,new_filter_cmd) ;
if (filter_cmd[0] != 0)
int size ;
int fd ;
char *commandline ;
char *argptr ;
int numargs = 0 ;
char filename[128] ;
char outputfile[128] ;
int start = point ;
int end = mark ;
if (end < start)
start = mark ;
end = point ;
size = end - start ;
make_temp_file(filename,3*size) ;
/* Eps7.0 always generates same temp file! Thus, we have to manually */
/* generate a second file name for use as the output file */
strcpy(outputfile,filename) ;
strcat(outputfile,"_2") ;
delete_file(filename) ;
if (write_part(filename,strip_returns,start,end) != 0)
delete_file(filename) ;
return ;
fd = lowopen(outputfile,3) ;
if (fd != -1)
lowclose(fd) ;
/* execute the command on the temporary file */
commandline = malloc(strlen(filter_cmd)+strlen(filename)+strlen(outputfile)+6) ;
if (!commandline)
say("out of memory....") ;
delete_file(filename) ;
return ;
argptr = strstr(filter_cmd,"%s") ;
if (argptr)
numargs++ ;
argptr = strstr(argptr+1,"%s") ;
if (argptr)
numargs++ ;
switch (numargs)
case 0:
sprintf(commandline,"%s <%s >%s",filter_cmd,filename,outputfile) ;
break ;
case 1:
sprintf(commandline,filter_cmd,filename) ;
strcat(commandline," >") ;
strcat(commandline,outputfile) ;
break ;
case 2:
sprintf(commandline,filter_cmd,filename,outputfile) ;
break ;
shell("",commandline,"") ;
free(commandline) ;
delete_file(filename) ;
/* read back the result of the filtering */
kill_region() ;
if (do_insert_file(outputfile,strip_returns) != 0)
kill_region() ; /* remove any partially-read data */
yank() ; /* restore region to pre-filter state */
delete_file(outputfile) ;
/* Coloring functions for Epsilon v7.0+ */
#if EELVERSION >= 70
int int_recolor_range(from, to)
int from, to ;
if (from >= to)
return to ;
set_character_color(from,to,-1) ;
save_var point, matchstart, matchend ;
point = from ;
if (to > size())
to = size() ;
while (point < to)
int start = point ;
int len ;
char c = curchar() ;
if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'V')
if (parse_string(1,table_headers,NULL) != 0)
nl_forward() ;
point-- ;
set_character_color(start,point,color_class c_comment) ;
else if ((len = parse_string(1,all_sections,NULL)) > 0)
set_character_color(start,start+len,color_class c_function) ;
else if (c == '\t' &&
(len = parse_string(1,indented_sections,NULL)) != 0)
while (curchar() == '\t')
point++ ;
len-- ;
set_character_color(point,point+len,color_class c_function) ;
nl_forward() ;
return point ;
#endif /* Epsilon v7.0+ */
#if EELVERSION >= 70
int int_recolor_from_here(safe)
int safe ;
save_var point ;
if (safe != point)
to_begin_line() ; /* start of line is always 'safe' */
return point ;
#endif /* Epsilon v7.0+ */
/* Put the current buffer into IntList major mode */
command intlist_mode()
mode_keys = intlist_tab ;
intlist_tab[')'] = intlist_tab[']'] = (short) show_matching_delimiter;
delete_hacking_tabs = 0 ;
major_mode = strsave("IntList") ;
auto_indent = 0 ;
margin_right = 79 ;
want_backups = 1 ;
undo_size = 200000 ; /* less than default 500,000 since list is so big */
find_table_counter() ;
#if EELVERSION >= 70
recolor_range = int_recolor_range ;
recolor_from_here = int_recolor_from_here ;
if (want_code_coloring)
when_setting_want_code_coloring() ;
#endif /* Epsilon v7.0+ */
make_mode() ;
char *curbuf ;
int i ;
want_backups = want_backups.default = 1 ;
strcpy(backup_name,"%pbak/%b%e") ; /* put backups in BAK subdir */
one_window() ;
intlist_mode() ;
if (exist("interrup.1st"))
curbuf = bufname ;
bufname = "interrup.1st" ;
intlist_mode() ;
want_code_coloring = 0 ;
when_setting_want_code_coloring() ;
bufname = curbuf ;
for (i = 0 ; list_files[i] ; i++)
if (exist(list_files[i]))
curbuf = bufname ;
bufname = list_files[i] ;
intlist_mode() ;
bufname = curbuf ;
#if EELVERSION >= 70
strcpy(mode_end," %d%p%S%>C%c") ;
#endif /* Epsilon v7.0+ */
strcpy(mode_end," %d%p%S") ;
#endif /* Epsilon v6.x */
/* automagically switch into interrupt list mode on .LST and .1ST files */
suffix_lst() { intlist_mode(); }
suffix_1st() { intlist_mode(); }
/* end of file intlist.e */